Tyler & Kristin Gyurkovits | Chefs By Design | Healthy Human Collective Incorporated is not responsible for any actions or re-actions users may take after viewing this website, app, information provided, or for damages of any kind resulting from the use, or reference to any information that exists within the site, app, or information provided. No guarantees are offered to ascertain any of the information provided is 100% correct or completely accurate.
Your success depends entirely on you! We cannot possibly predict or guarantee that you will attain any particular result. Your results will depend on your dedication, desire, motivation, level of action taking, and many other factors. You fully acknowledge that there are no guarantees inside of healthy human mentorship. You assume all responsibility for risks that are inherent to any personal endeavor.
Results are not typical. Any statements or examples shown through our website or app are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular health outcome based on the use of our website or app. You agree that Chefs By Design is Healthy Human Collective Incorporated and is not responsible for your health, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your health level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through the website and app. You are solely responsible for your results.
Tyler & Kristin Gyurkovits | Chefs By Design | Healthy Human Collective Incorporated may include links with direct access to certain online services and other informational resources, but claims no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy of information on any other website or from any other company, or for any content published by a separate entity.
This website, app or information provided by Tyler & Kristin Gyurkovits | Chefs By Design | Healthy Human Collective Incorporated is provided for general informational purposes only, and does not constitute a representation as to the efficacy of any products highlighted and is not intended to provide, or to be a substitute for, professional medical advice.
We always recommend seeking the advice of a physician or other qualified health care practitioner for any questions about illness or other conditions, including the suitability or effectiveness of any particular course of treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice based of any information or suggestions indicated on this website or the app.
The information provided is on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Thus, all purchasers and/or readers of any expressly agree that their use or interpretation is done so at their sole an exclusive risk. It is provided only to promote healthy eating and lifestyle habits. It is not intended as medical advice, and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions. You should not use this guide as a substitute for qualified professional health advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Information and materials provided comes from a variety of sources, including the professional experiences of Chefs By Design | Healthy Human Collective Incorporated. Accordingly the information in this website or app is copyright © Chefs By Design, Healthy Human Collective and no part of it may end any form by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other means be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast, sold or transmitted without the prior permission of the publisher.
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