Meet Mr & Mrs CBD

Tyler and Kristin, the founders and instructors of Chefs By Design.

We are professional chefs who have been cooking and teaching for over 40 years combined. We are passionate about helping home learning families achieve health and wellness goals through healthy cooking and living.

Our Kombucha Kitchen courses share how to cook consciously at home, with, and for, your family. We guide you step by step through the curriculum, at your pace. Customize your life long resource and share with your family with the convenient (and highly recommended) options to download and print resources for your family to use communicating together as you live life!

We are excited to help you be a healthy human by creating sustainable habits for your family's well-being. If you're ready to make a positive change and boost your family's energy and wellness.

Start your Kombucha Kitchen transformation by enrolling in a home learning course today, or we look forward to seeing you in a class!

Click a link below to inquire more: